Korrespondenz mit Kirsty Thomson
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---Forwarded message
From: uls
Sent: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 05:18:02 -0800 (PST)
To: “Thomson, Kirsty”
Subject: Will you make this wonderful contribution to humanity?
Dear Kirsty,
You could make perhaps one of the greatestest contributions for the good of humanity. This is why:1. Conclusive proof of the effectiveness of GNM by the largest controlled trial in history: In the largest controlled trial in medical history involving a population of circa seven (7) million since 1982, it was shown that of the about 5.5 million who were treated following the principles of GNM, as outlined in this treatise, only some 150 per year suffered deaths from cancer, while the control group of about 1.5 million, treated with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, suffered over 11,000 deaths per year. In other words, while the group treated with GNM had a survival rate of 98 to 99+ %, the motality rate of the “control group” was 90 to 98+ % or had a grand average of about 270 (two hundred and seventy) times GREATER PROBABILITY OF DYING FROM CANCER!!!
2. With GNM, the only true and correct way to practice medicine has been established and doing anything else to patients is simply contributing to the worst crime that has ever been committed against humanity: “The suffering caused by the censorship of Dr. Hamer’s discoveries, for patients and their loved-ones, is beyond measure. Specifically, the yearly iatrogenic death rates (meassured in percentages of the total population) range from < 0.1% in the poorest countries with virtually no orthodox medical care & for the Jews in Israel to about 1.2% for the USA & for the Palestinians in Israel, the rate of hospitalizations for adverse reactions to orthodox medical treatments & surgery range from < 0.1% in the poorest countries to about 0.2% for Jews in Israel to about 1.5% for the Palestinians and to about 2.7% in the USA, the rate of harmful unnecessary medical treatments & surgery range from about 0.2% in the poorest countries to about 0.5% for Jews in Israel to about 2.5% for the Palestinians and to about 8.9% in the USA.
Note that these are low estimates that nevertheless result worldwide every year in over 50 million iatrogenic deaths (but perhaps up 100 million), and furthermore every year some 80 million iatrogenic hospitalizations and at least 250 million treatments for unnecessary medications or surgery (and where the latter figures might easily be twice as much as exact figures are elusive)”.
Needless to say that I have numerous documents proving the above & could also bring with me the 2. most knowledgeable man in these matters with me.
In this sense I would welcome our meeting,
From: “
To: uls <
Sent: Fri, January 7, 2011 3:41:21 AM
Subject: RE: Will you make this contribution to humanity?
Dear Dr
Happy New Year. I hope you are well.
There is a chance we could come to Vienna soon. Perhaps by the end of the month.
Would you still be interested in speaking to us and showing us your research?
I look forward to hearing from you,
Kind Regards XX
From: uls
Sent: Thursday, 9 December 2010 20:10
To: XX
Cc: Ing. Helmut Pilhar; MJ Santos
Subject: Will you make this contribution to humanity?
Over 1000 million lives have been unnecessarily lost to cancer alone since these new methods were discovered & immediately monopolized by a certain group of people in the early 1980s. Please find out with one of your smart reporter ways to verify with the Israeli authorities the following truth:
The virtually absolute proof of the validity of the methods presently employed by me is to be found in the country of Israel, where there are only around 150 cancer deaths per year among the about 5,5 million Israelis, while the circa 850,000 Palestinians in Israel show a cancer mortality of around 11,000 per year as these approaches are withheld from them.
You could be instrumental, by cleverly feeding this into the system, to save at least 3000 million from unnecessary death & suffering from the medical establishment over the next 30 years. It has to be done with utter circumspection & safeguards as the medical-industrial complex, the only multi-million-million empire will not stop from anything to prevent this to happen. The only reason, I survived at least 8 attempts on my life & hard times served, just as happened to the greatest medical genius of all times who discovered the 5 biological laws of all the meaningful bio-programs that are falsely labeled as deadly diseases, is that on some level the universe wants me to continue my work and that, in case of this greatest medical genius, the destroyers are benefitting too much from his genius that continuously improves & discovers new things for the good of humanity and that they by all thinkable means syphon away to serve themselves & their own evil purposes.
I gladly talk to you in the New Year, but 100 times better would be to talk in person in Viena & if the Lord so Wills, I may be able to move the perhaps second most knowledgeable person of this approach to join me there.
Speak to you soon,
From: “Thomson, Kirsty”
To: uls
Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 10:21:02 Pg too much from
Subject: RE: Trying to find Dr XX
Thank you so much for writing back to me. After what you have been through I would imagine speaking to someone from Australia was difficult to say the least. ― DOING THE RIGHT THING IS NEVER DIFFICULT! IT IS THE ONLY THING ONE CAN DO IF ONE CHOSES TO BE ON THE PATH !!!
I would be pleased to make your acquaintance at some stage in the future. Your research is of course of great interest to us and are the patients who have benefitted from your treatment.
Let’s perhaps speak on the phone in the New Year if that suits you?
I thank you again for taking the time to return my email.
Speak soon, XX
From: uls
Sent: Tuesday, 7 December 2010 19:59
To: XX
Cc: Ing. Helmut Pilhar;
Subject: Trying to find Dr XX
Hi Kirsty,
My recent experience in Australia was about the worst that ever happened to me in my life. However, this led to a thorough soul-searching on my part & I realized finally why most of the patients I personally attended to in the past were healed of their condition, whatever it was. Thus, it was entirely truthful that 95% of the patients, I personally treated for a specific cancer at a specific time, got rid of their cancers at that time when I had a chance to fully attend to them & if there was no undue influence from their families & as long as necessary, as I cannot be held responsible for any future conflicts that may give rise to future disease when I was not able to attend to them. But to hold me responsible for deaths that occurred when I was NOT there, for deaths of people up to 4 ½ years after I treated them at an age of <73 years, of a child that was dead when a nurse finally got to see her, from clear malpractice proven by autopsy, from suicide through starvation or other means, or of patients whose treatment I did not undertake at all, and all this from an ambush cleverly fostered by the attorney who I was supposed to help with his client, is simply obscene.
The virtually absolute proof of the validity of the methods presently employed by me is to be found in the country of Israel, where there are only around 150 cancer deaths per year among the about 5,5 million Israelis, while the circa 850,000 Palestinians in Israel show a cancer mortality of around 11,000 per year as these approaches are withheld from them.
Thus, as I continue to believe in the goodness of most of humanity & the great potential for helping all of humanity if your story is of TRUTH & GOODNESS & LOVE, I welcome you to chat with me, provided you give me proof of the true nature of your intentions. The best, naturally, would be to meet in person, perhaps in Vienna, Austria, as I could present to you numerous files and other evidence to support what I relate to you.
Thanks so much
From: “XX
To: “XX
Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 1:32:47 AM
Subject: Trying to find Dr XX
Dr XX, is this you?
I am a journalist from Australia who would like to have an off the record chat with you about a story I am working on.
Could you please email me back if this is you?
Thanks so much